It Takes A Humble Heart To Accept The Painful Truths In Your Life
Sometimes, we wanted to press the fast-forward button and skip the things that break our hearts. And sad to say, we missed out the important lessons because we chose to ignore the painful truths in our lives. If you wanted to make the most of your time here on earth, then please stop running away from the things that will set you free in the end. You may encounter pain at first, but freedom comes when you learn to have a humble heart to accept the deepest pain in your life. You need to overcome the things that cause you to feel so anxious and worried deep within. And all it takes is for you to open your heart so that God can come in and heal your wounds inside.
Accept the truth that you are broken. You need to be healed, and the best way to do it is to acknowledge those painful moments that really broke your heart. There are times when God will let you face your past, not because He wants to hurt you, but simply because He wants you to process everything. There are things in life that you thought you already overcome, but you are still hurting deep within. God doesn’t want you to live that kind of life. All He wants is for you to experience His freedom through His love, so acknowledge the hard moments you’ve been through and surrender it all to the hands of God.
Work on yourself and be patient. When you learn to face your dark past, you will know that there are certain areas in your heart that you need to work on. Maybe God wants you to learn how to forgive along the process. Or perhaps, He wants you to love yourself. Whatever it is that God impressed you to do, always remember that it takes time, so be patient. Give yourself the chance to overcome your fears and stop entertaining the lies of the enemy. Do not condemn yourself and pray that God will give you a teachable heart that’s always willing to learn along the process.
You will grow when you allow yourself to face the painful truths in your life. It’s the first step towards healing. And when you are healed, you will begin to see things differently. You will be transformed from the inside out, and you will be matured enough to handle your emotions. It will not happen overnight, but you will get there one day. Just choose to be humble in the presence of God and embrace the painful truths in your life.

I am so broken that I questioned everything including Him.. I was taught that God allows these things and He will work all things together for His good. I am left thinking, will He allow agai in the future that event that broke my heart..The pain is still there and I feel empty. I dont know how to do it when they say surrender it to God. I pray that it ends now.
Kim morin
Thank you lord for this message to me. It is exactly what you have put on my heart. Prayers for strength and peace as I walk this out. It’s 2am and I awoke from a deep rooted nightmare. I’m thankful for this journey and this written note. 🙏❤️