Self Development

It takes a Humble Heart to Ask for Help

Sometimes, we are so used to doing things on our own that we no longer consider other people’s opinions. Because we don’t want others to think bad about us, we tend to keep everything inside and try to solve our problems alone. We figure things out according to our own understanding, and we quit hoping that there are still genuine hearts who are willing to lend some help and support to us. Because we continuously received so many rejections in the past, we stopped depending on other people’s life. This is the reason why we can’t easily ask for help. We think that we no longer need others. It’s our pride and our fears that tries to hold us back. 

There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. Acknowledge the truth that you don’t know everything. Just because you ask for someone else’s support doesn’t mean you are already useless. It’s just there are situations in life where you need to humble yourself and accept other people’s pieces of advice. It’s not that you fully depend on them. You just have to let go of your own perception and learn from your environment. Go and ask for help. God purposely put the right people around you to assist you. He is a good God. He will provide what you need even if you think that it’s not necessary. He will be there to support you through the people that He sent.

Don’t allow your pride to sink in. You will never grow if you will always listen to yourself. It takes humility to truly understand what others are saying. You need to let go of your own thoughts and try to consider the truth that you might be wrong. There are perspectives that you need to change. And you will realize the impact of your actions the moment you allow other people to speak. Reach out to them and open your heart to their words. Let go of your desire to make yourself the god of your life. You may have had some fears and pain in the past, and that’s why you can’t easily put your trust on someone, but you need to learn how to surrender. Abide in God’s ways, and your heart will be molded from the inside out.

Be humble, and you will have the courage to ask for help. Acknowledge other people’s strengths, and you will learn to listen to them. Accept that you are also growing, and you need others along the journey. Don’t travel on your own. There may be days when God will take you to places where it’s only you and Him, but there are also seasons when He will use other people to teach and guide you. His love is more evident the moment you allow Him to help you through the lives of His precious children.