It takes an Obedient Heart to live in the Kingdom of God
A Kingdom exists because there is someone who reigns. Living in God’s Kingdom means you acknowledge and honor His sovereignty. You treat Him as your King, and you allow Him to rule your life. It takes an obedient and humble heart to stay in His presence. So if you think that you are still following your own will and plans, then it’s time for you to surrender everything to Him. Do not depend on your own understanding. Call upon His Name and ask for guidance.
You can’t follow Him according to your own efforts and strengths. You need His love to change and heal your wounds inside. You need His power to protect you from the works of the enemy. Rely on His grace, and you will have the courage to follow His instructions even in moments when you can’t fully comprehend His plans. If you want to stay in the arms of God, then you need to obey Him and give up your selfish desires.
Let God reign in your life. It means that you must align your plans to His will. Do not live on your own. Acknowledge His presence and let Him intervene. Open the doors of your heart so that He can come in and make you whole again. Stop following the standards of this word. Listen to God, for He knows what’s waiting for you on the other side. Abide in His ways, and let go of the bondages that hinder you from coming to Him.
Do not allow the enemy to destroy your soul. Put God at the center and obey His words. You may not always understand His ways, but everything that He is doing is for your own good. Respect Him through your words and actions. Remember that God sees everything in your life. You can’t hide away from Him. So let your ways magnify and honor His Name. Live inside the Kingdom and follow the ways of your King.
Be humble. It’s hard to obey the word of God if you always think of yourself. If you are so concerned about your own image, then you will fail to represent Jesus in your life. Humble yourself and stop doing things according to what you want. Consult God and accept the truth that you don’t know everything. You need His wisdom and knowledge. Ask Him first before you do anything.
The only One who knows how the Kingdom works is God Himself. So don’t act as if you know what to do next. Surrender your pride and let Him instruct you. Stop relying on your own strength. Seek Him every day and connect to His heart. Desire for more of Him, and you will realize what it feels like to be in His Kingdom.
Keep your faith. Hold on to His promises and when you can’t see the path ahead, just do what God wants, and you will be safe. The journey will not be easy, but the moment you fully realize that you are already living in His Kingdom, then you will be overwhelmed by His presence. You will see yourself growing and bearing fruit, and it’s because you choose to follow God and not your own will. You rely on His grace and not on your own strength. Above all, you allow His love to reign in your life.