Self Development

It Takes Courage To Trust Again

This world is very unpredictable. Each day brings a lot of surprises. You will encounter new things that will make you realize that change is the only constant thing. Even the people around us will change, and sometimes we will experience pain because of the sudden changes that happened to them. It’s not going to be easy, but we need to learn how to trust despite the pain.

Yes, only the bravehearted people will learn to trust again. They are the kind of people who are courageous enough to face whatever life throws at them. And sometimes, it takes a long process for us to become like them. We just need to be patient along the journey. We will go through a lot of difficult seasons in our lives. But at the end of the day, everything will be worth it because our experiences will make us into a better person. It will teach us how to love the people around us even more.

Trust is very difficult to give, especially when you are still hurting inside. That’s why you need to go through the healing process so that you will learn to let go of the pain you still feel deep within. When you are fully healed, that’s when you will have to courage to trust again. It’s okay if you can’t still do it right now. Don’t force yourself if you think that you can’t still make it. You need to give yourself the chance to heal and rest from whatever it is that’s pulling you down.

Acknowledge that you are still hurting and just pour out everything. Take your time to heal, and don’t pressure yourself too much. Don’t rush the healing process because it really takes a lot of time. Give yourself the chance to reflect on your life, and you can absolutely take a pause from everything that’s bothering you. It’s one of the best gifts that you can give for yourself.

One day, you will be free from all the bondage of your past. You will learn to face all your fears, and you will have the strength to love again. God is gracious enough to heal us. And even if you are still in pain right now, I hope that you will choose to believe in God because His love alone will give you the courage to trust again.