It’s Better To Be Disciplined by God Than Receive Praises From Other People
The wrong choices in our lives have consequences. And whether we like it or not, life has its own way of teaching us what is right and wrong. But even though we experience negative moments in life, still the best discipline always comes from God. It’s better to receive a rebuke from Him than receive praises from other people. His corrections are worth it because it will never break us. If we allow God to mess up our lives, His ways will bring us closer to Him. Remember that God is your Father and He wants to lead His children to the right path. It may take some pain and brokenness, but receiving His discipline also means receiving His great love for us.
Choose to please God and stop seeking praises from other people. The standards of this world are very different from the standards of God. So never compromise your faith just for you to please other people. Choose God over earthly praises, and you will receive something that this world can never give. You will gain treasures that can never be taken away from you. Your faith and relationship with God will grow, and you can always bring it with you even through eternity. You may feel happy when you receive praises from other people, but nothing can compare to God’s instruction. Sometimes, it hurts but the pain is always worth it because it will lead you to become a better person.
Pray for a humble heart that’s always willing to receive His discipline. Learn to also follow His instructions even if it’s difficult and challenging. Everything will make sense one day. You may not understand His ways but just continue to focus on Him and let Him guide you. Remember that He knows what’s best for you. And if brokenness is what it takes for you to prepare yourself for greater things, then receive it like a gift. Because the truth is, it’s always precious as long as it comes from God.
God loves us so much. He never wants us to perish. He disciplines us because He wanted us to remain in Him. And at the end of the day, He just wanted to protect us from greater pain. So, increase your faith and put your trust in Him. Let Him change you from the inside out. The difficult moments you’ve been through will never be wasted. So move forward and do not be afraid to receive God’s discipline.