It’s Better to go through the Storms with Jesus than Live Life without Him
This life is not easy. Sometimes, we will experience joy and excitement, but there are also moments when we feel so down and broken. We can never really predict what will happen next. It is full of uncertainties, and God alone knows what lies ahead. But even though we can’t stop the storms in life, the most important thing is we have Jesus in our hearts. It’s better to go through difficulties and challenges than live life without Him. So if you are having a hard time right now, then make this moment an opportunity for you to experience the miracles of God. Spend this life with Him, and everything will be worth it. The love of Jesus is one of the greatest blessings you could ever receive here on earth.
Jesus may not give you the assurance that you will not experience pain, but He will stay with you until the end. He will be there to give you the strength that you need. Problems will still be there, but the good thing is, when you seek the help of the Holy Spirit, you will also see yourself change from the inside out. The lessons that Jesus will reveal to you will serve as guiding principles that will lead you to His great blessings. So hold on and stay with Him. There may be troubles along the way, but never forget that the His grace is always enough.
A life without Jesus is meaningless. No matter how hard you try to achieve the things you want, you will always seek validation from other people if you never encounter His perfect love. It will be hard for you to discover your true identity because you fail to ask your creator. He alone knows you from the inside out. He sees everything, and that includes your heart. He destined you to experience life with Him. And as long as you keep yourself away from Him, then it will be very hard for you to discover your purpose here on earth.
Remember that you can only find satisfaction in the arms of your loving Savior. Nobody in this world can quench the thirst in your heart. Only Him can make you whole. His precious blood will purify your soul. So come to His presence and never let go of His hands. Stay with Him even if you go through so many trials. Know that it’s going to be worth all the pain. The things that God prepared are greater than what you have in mind. So choose to fight the good fight of faith.

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Amen…we need you jehovah