
It’s better to Wait

Don’t be in a hurry
Take your time
Grow in the Lord
And be saturated with Love

Enjoy His presence
Don’t depend on extreme emotions
Let God lead you the way
Choosing Him is always worth it

Wait with excitement
Look forward to what He prepared
Trust Him and His promises
One day, everything will be well

It’s okay to make mistakes
Take what you can learn
Have a teachable heart
Hear the voice of God

Don’t be pressured with a timeline
Trust God’s timing
He sees what’s ahead
Better be in a season of waiting

His knowledge and understanding
Will bring you discipline
It will bring you wondrous lessons
That’ll guide you everywhere you go

Allow God to hold you
While you wait in His time
Believe that He will make great things
Rather than be in a wrong place

One Comment

  • Hanton

    AMEN. Waiting is Hard. Teach My Heart Dear God that by waiting, I will get what my Heart truly desire. It is painful to wait when I end up as a failure. Please guide me and hold me, and help me have a trustful heart that great things that is truly mine will happen in my life in God’s perfect timing. In Jesus Christ name, AMEN.💙💙💙.