His Word

It’s God Who Will Open The Hearts Of His People

One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.

Acts 16:14, NIV

As Paul preached about the good news in Macedonia, a woman named Lydia was listening to them. Acts 16:14 states that “the Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.” This is an important reminder for all of us. We may excellently deliver the gospel, and people may preach God’s word by using effective methods, but at the end of the day, it’s God who will open the hearts of His people.

It’s not really about the methods or the efforts of the evangelists or preachers that will change a person’s life. The message is nothing if God’s presence won’t be there. It’s Him who will open the senses of His children. It’s Him who has the power to convict and open their hearts for them to fully experience complete restoration.

So this passage is an important reminder for us to pray that God will move as we share His word and His love to the people around us. Let’s trust that He will be the One who will open someone’s hearts. Let’s not put too much confidence on our efforts and strength. Instead, we need to remember that it’s God who draws people. We need to surrender in His presence and ask for His help.

As you continue to share God’s light in this world, please keep in mind that what you are doing will be meaningless if you don’t include God in it. Seek His will. Abide in His ways. And He will use your life for the expansion of His kingdom. He will teach you when or how to release the right words to the right people.

Prayer: Loving Father, thank you so much for reminding me to always abide in your presence. Thank you for teaching me how to fully rely in your ways. As I continue to share your love and your word to the people around me, I pray that you will open their hearts so that they will receive your gift of salvation and eventually experience complete transformation. We thank you so much, Lord, for everything. This we ask, in Jesus’ name we pray, amen.