Self Development

It’s hard to make Decisions if you are still Emotionally in Pain

Be patient with yourself. Don’t force your mind to forget the things that are meant to be processed. Yes, you must not hold on to your negative emotions, but you need to acknowledge them. Respect what you feel, for they will help you realize the things that you need to change. Don’t command your brain to easily throw everything and move forward. Please don’t pressure yourself to make hard decisions, especially when your heart is still bleeding. It’s not easy to make the right choices if your wounded soul is still in the healing process.

Take one step at a time and be more conscious of the things that you are doing to yourself. You deserve a break. Find some time to think and process the negative situations in your life so that you will learn the lessons that you can apply in the future. Only then will you also discover the right aspects that you need to consider in making decisions. But until then, please give yourself the chance to recover. Take your time and avoid making hard decisions if you are not even okay inside.

Slow down and remember that you are not a superhuman. Your brain can’t properly function if your heart is not yet fully recovered. It doesn’t mean that you should stop doing anything. Just don’t force yourself to do the things that your heart can’t still bear. Be gentle with yourself and take one step at a time. When you are in pain, there is a tendency that you will feel biased toward yourself. You tend to make decisions that are favorable to your end simply because you want to cover up and treat your pain as an excuse to focus on what you need. You’ll fail to consider other factors. And you will end up making the wrong decisions. Instead of going through the healing process, the consequences of your decisions will continue to add to the negative emotions you feel.

Make major decisions when your heart is ready. Sometimes, your brain will ask you to move forward even if your heart is still recovering. Try to weigh your thoughts and feelings. Ask for guidance from God and let Him lead you. Wait until you are no longer consumed by your pain. Accept the truth that you need time to heal.

Ask for help if you can’t find strength. Allow God to lead you to the right people who will help you in making decisions. They will open your eyes to the important matters that you need to consider. They will help you weigh things. Be humble enough to accept their pieces of advice. Stop carrying everything on your own. Rely on God’s words and He will give you the chance to make better decisions. When you are emotionally not okay, learn the habit of asking for help and relying on God’s power.

May you have the courage to go through the healing process so that you will know how to deal with your heart. Please allow yourself to find peace and rest in the presence of God. Don’t worry about your future. God will give you enough wisdom to overcome the problems that you’ll face. Just deal with the wounds first, and one day, you will know how to glorify God through the decisions that you make. The journey towards your complete restoration may not be that easy, but trust that God is holding your hands. He will walk with you. He will guide and protect you. Just love yourself and acknowledge what you feel. Only then will you learn to listen to the voice of God, especially when you make hard decisions in life.