It’s more important to Surrender to God than to Fight on your own
Sometimes, we think that all the battles we face are meant to be defeated using our strength and abilities. But the truth is, there are things in life that we can’t control, and that fact alone means that we will not always win if we only trust in ourselves. That’s why it’s more important to surrender your battles to God, for He can do all things. He sees what’s ahead, and He can defeat all your enemies. It may be hard to do it, especially when you can’t feel His presence, but this is what faith is all about. You need to choose Him over the fears that you are carrying. You need to trust in His faithfulness even if you can’t understand what He is doing. Know that when you surrender to Him, it means that you acknowledge His power in your life. You believe in Him, and you stop relying on your own understanding. God created you because of love. It means that you don’t exist just for yourself, but you are here to glorify Him. You can only overcome the battles in your life the moment you allow Him to take over.
God is just waiting for you to surrender everything. Maybe all this time, you are trying your best to overcome the battles on your own. You feel so tired because you forgot that you could ask for God’s help. He will be there to support you. All you need to do is stop focusing on your own understanding. Know that you have a big and powerful God, and you don’t have to go through the season wherein you will feel so exhausted
You can lift up all your burdens to Him and let Him take away the things that hinder you from coming to Him. All it takes is for you to surrender. Have a humble heart that acknowledges the power of God. You don’t have to feel alone on the journey. You don’t have to treat yourself like a victim. Just let your faith be greater than your doubts. Do not be afraid. If God could sustain you until now, He will continue to provide for what you need. He will never bring you down. Instead, He will take you to places you’ve never been before as long as you allow Him.
Treat God as your partner. Include Him in all your decisions. Acknowledge His ways. Listen to His instructions. Let Him mold you from the inside out. Let Him change your heart and the way you see things. Hold His hands and never let go of His promises. Remind yourself of the good things He did before and know that you can trust Him. He will never betray you. He cares for you simply because you are His child. You are His precious treasure. If you will only include Him in everything that you do. You will realize that you are surrounded by so many great things. You are loved beyond measure. So let God fight the battle for you and focus on the good things that will still happen. Pray for His wisdom. And you will know how to manage the situations that He allowed you to experience. Consult Him every single day and keep on connecting to His heart. Align your thoughts to His will, and you will be guided.
Keep in mind that there is always victory in the arms of God. So if you doubt if things will work out the moment you surrender to Him, then just remember what Jesus did on the cross. He conquered the principalities of this world. He rose to life, and that means there is still hope. Do not be discouraged. Always hold on to the miracles that Jesus did. Keep in mind that He won the battle because He loves you so much, and He chose to glorify our Father in Heaven. You will also experience the same thing if you choose to trust in Him and believe with all your heart that you are destined to overcome all the challenges along the way simply because God is with you.

Nathaniel Myles