It’s not about the Answers, but it’s About Trusting God’s ways
Maybe you have a lot of questions in your mind right now. Maybe you have so many doubts, and you are praying for answers that you long to hear. But what if God will not give you the answer that you wanted? What if He prepared greater things for you? What if He just wanted you to trust Him? Will you stay and choose to depend on His ways? You see, there are really moments in life when you can’t understand the will of God. And maybe even if He will explain to you everything, still you can’t comprehend it because you are not yet ready. So instead of pushing the things you wanted to happen, just choose to keep your faith in Him. Everything is going to be okay.
Trust God even if you don’t have any idea about what’s really going on in your life. Remember the good things that He did in your life so that you will have the confidence to abide in His will. He has been so faithful to you. So you don’t have to doubt in His ways because He will continue to pour out His love and grace. There are really moments when we can’t clearly see the road that we are taking. But what’s important is you let God move, and you allow Him to reign. You may not see it now, but He will lead you to the place that He prepared for you all this time.
Sometimes, all you need is just an assurance that everything will be alright. So remember His promises because He will give you the strength and courage that you need. He will protect you. He said in His word that He will take good care of you. Do not worry. God will never change. If He did miracles in your life before, He will continue to do it right now and in the future. He loves you so much. And that means He will never put you to harm. He is gracious and always good. Never forget who He is in your life. Know that He treasures you as His precious child.
God’s ways are really hard to comprehend. You will feel disappointed if you keep asking for His explanations because there are times when it feels like He is so silent. But in those moments, God wants you deeply trust in Him and stay rooted in His love. He knows what can make you grow. And you may not appreciate it now, but soon you will realize that God changed you from the inside out. He transformed your heart and make it stronger.

Thank you for all the words of god that you share to us!! Keep it up and god bless you always.. 🙂
Mike Shaya
I enjoy your prayers & messages!
Thank you so much and God bless you Mike!