Self Development

It’s Not Easy To Focus On The Positive Things All The Time

Life is very unpredictable. Whether you like it or not, you will go through negative situations that will test your character. And in those moments, you will find it hard to focus on the positive things simply because you’ve been through a lot of hardships, and you can’t easily let go of the painful memories you experienced. There are really days when you feel so tired and hopeless inside. It’s not easy to focus on the good things when you are surrounded by uncertainties. But even though it’s challenging to do it, that doesn’t mean you can’t overcome your problems. Yes, there will be difficult circumstances, but know that God is good no matter how many trials you face in life.

When you can’t stop but think of the negative things, remember that you can turn your worries into prayers. Share to God the thoughts that are bothering you. Treat Him as your best friend and know that He will be listening to the cries of your heart. Pour out everything to Him, and He will always be there to comfort you. His love will embrace your weary heart, and He will give you the strength that you need. Acknowledge what you feel inside and remember that God understands you. He knows the reason why you think that way, and He will stay faithful to you.

Just be patient with yourself. If you can’t think of the good things, then pause for a while and imagine that God is giving you a big hug. Let Him give you rest. Sometimes, what you need is just a place where you can find peace. Come to your loving Father, and He will teach you how to love and accept yourself. In His presence, you will learn to value your weaknesses because you will also see the beauty of His strength. You will realize that God loves you so much, and He truly cares for you.

Let God be your source of wisdom and knowledge. He will remind you about the great things that He did. Stop relying on your own abilities and skills. Put your hope in God, and He will be the one to change your perspectives. He will let you see the bigger picture. He will open your mind so that you will realize the great things that He is doing behind the scene. And by His grace, you will no longer focus on the negative things, but instead, you will think of His wonderful love and goodness.