It’s not that God is silent; Maybe you just can’t hear Him
There are moments in life when we can’t help but question God because He seems so silent. We try to ask for some help, but nothing happens. We try to utter heartfelt prayers, but still, we can’t feel His presence. We then think that maybe God is mad at us, or He doesn’t care at all. But the truth is, God is moving. Most of the time, He is speaking and leading you to the right path. You just can’t see it because you choose to focus on the wrong perspective. It seems that He is so silent, but the truth is, there’s a big possibility that you just can’t hear Him. Your ears chose to listen to the lies of the enemy. You entertain thoughts that are not aligned with His will. You can’t identify His instructions because you are not familiar with how He speaks. You don’t have the intimacy that you need to hear the still small voice that’s speaking to you.
Start by reading the bible. The scripture is alive. You will never know what it means not until you start meditating on them. It’s like a sword that will pierce the negative thoughts that you have inside. It’s powerful. And when you start to read the stories of God’s people, you will then have an idea about the things that God can do. In the bible, you will discover who He truly is. You will have an idea of how His voice sounds like. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, and He will slowly open your eyes to a better perspective. He will be the one who will put heavy conviction in your heart that will push you to do the things that God wants. As you read God’s word, the Holy Spirit will also transform your heart and the way you see this life.
The other thing that you can do is expose yourself to the right environment. It’s hard to identify God’s voice if you are surrounded by people or information that’s not from God. You need to help yourself by going to places that will potentially develop your ability to hear. You may expose yourself to a Christian community that will support you along your walk with God. Listen to those who are already exercising their faith in the Lord. And try to ask for pieces of advice from them. Acknowledge the truth that you can’t simply live this life on your own. You need God and His people to remind you about the important things that you should always focus on.
Practice hearing the voice of God. It takes intimacy to do it. You need to spend more time with Him and constantly listen. You need to develop your relationship with Him so that you will be familiar with His ways. It takes patience, and you really need to seek Him above your own desires. It won’t be easy because the enemy will tempt you to do something else. He will disturb your journey with God. But you just need to stay consistent and take one step at a time. Focus on Him, and you will slowly hear His voice.

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Thank you so much. Your blog really helps me a lot. This is God’s instrument for me right now.