Self Development

It’s Not Your Job To Judge Other People

We all commit mistakes. One way or another, we need to accept that we are not perfect. That’s why we don’t have the right to judge the people around us. Only those who have no sin has the right to cast the first stone. If we can’t do it, then it simply means that it’s not our job to judge others. God gave us enough grace to love the people around us. We forgive not because we are perfect but because God showered His grace upon us. And we simply owe it all to Him.

Yes, I know that we all have our own opinion about the things that are happening around us. And we have the right to choose what to believe in. But that doesn’t give us the authority to judge others. We are all on the same boat. We need to admit that we are all sinners, and just like anyone else, we all need a savior. This life is only temporary. I hope that we will not spend it, destroying the people around us.

You have to know the whole story to know what to conclude about a specific situation. Even Jesus, who knows all our stories didn’t condemn us. Instead, He chose to save us from our sins and gave us another chance to live again. Jesus is perfect, and He never commits sins, yet He is very willing to understand and accept us no matter what happens. May we always choose to follow what He did instead of blaming others.

Our role is not to judge but to love. Jesus came here on earth to show us what forgiveness and grace are all about. He revealed to us what true love is. May we always have the kind of heart that’s always willing to understand others. Pray for His love to come in your life, so that you will know how to truly love the people around you. May you learn to treat them with kindness, just like what Jesus did in your life.

Even if we receive so much pain from others, we still don’t have the right to judge them. We don’t know what they truly feel inside, and only God knows everything. So instead of hating them, try to surrender it all to God and allow Him to move. Give Him the chance to do His thing. He alone has the right to judge them.