It’s Okay To Feel Weak And Tired
If you just can’t understand what’s going on inside, then just know that you can always take a rest. It’s okay to feel weak and tired. You are just human, and you have some limitations. So don’t force yourself if you think that you no longer have enough strength. Just take a pause. Breathe. Sleep. Give yourself some time to adjust to the situation around you. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Give your body the chance to recover. Give your heart some time to rest. And above all, command your mind to take a break. You will find it hard to survive if you will just keep pushing yourself to do the things that you can’t handle on your own.
Allow God to comfort you. Come to your Father and let Him embrace you with His love. He will wipe away your tears, and you can tell Him everything that’s going on inside. If you find it hard to describe your situation, just lean on His shoulders and let your tears flow. God’s presence will always be there to give you enough strength. He will handle you with so much care. He will teach you how to deal with your emotions. When you feel His love, you will realize that you are not alone in this season. Your loving Father will be there for you. And you can always treat Him as your best friend. Don’t worry because He will never leave your side.
Rest in His presence. Surrender all your burdens to Him and let Him help you. Stop carrying everything on your own. You feel so weak because all this time, you are just relying on your own strength. Know that God can handle everything. So never depend on your own understanding. Instead, let God take good care of you. Let Him be your Father. You may not see His ways but believe that God is moving in your life. You are always secured in His presence.
Just know that God understands you. He knows your whole story, and He is watching over you even before you are conceived in your mother’s womb. He is fully aware of your thoughts and the things that you’ve been hiding all this time. He alone can give you the kind of love that never fails. So do not be afraid and choose to depend on Him. He cares for you. And He doesn’t want you to feel alone and broken. Learn to trust in Him. So when you are not okay, please never forget to call upon His name, and He will always be there.