It’s Your Commitment To God That Will Help You Stay On Track
There are really moments in life when you just forget what it feels like to be saved. There are times when you can’t feel the love of God. Maybe because you are just bombarded with many things, or it’s just a season of your life when it feels like God is so silent. But during those moments, our commitment will be tested. Will we stay even if we can’t feel His presence? Will we still believe in Him even if we are going through some problems?
Our commitment to God is very important. Because just like in any other relationship, feelings will just fade away. And what will help us stay is our decision to believe in Him. It’s our commitment. The moment you decided to accept Jesus as your personal God and Savior, then that simply means that you also committed yourself to follow Him no matter what it takes. It’s your vow to God. And I hope that you will take it seriously.
I know that we are not perfect, and we do commit a lot of mistakes in life. But we all have the right to choose what we want to do. And may you always choose Him despite all the hardships that you are in. If you wanted to stay closer to God, then you need to also do your part. A relationship will never work if the other person is not firmly committed. Remember that God will always stay no matter what happens. His love is just so faithful that nothing can ever change it, not even your mistakes.
Being committed to God simply means that you will always choose to stay with Him even if you are surrounded by many challenges. It is deciding to have faith over and over again. It’s choosing to love Him, even if you experience a lot of pain. Because Jesus already did the same thing. He is so committed to us to the point that He even gave up everything just for us to be saved. What He did is a different level of commitment and love.
Let’s pray that God will teach us how to stay faithful to Him. May we always have the kind of heart that’s strong enough to choose Him even if we experience brokenness. Let’s finish the race with Him. After all, this life means nothing if we don’t spend it with the One who made everything.

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