Jesus can Intimately Connect to your heart, especially when you are in Pain
You may think that no one understands the pain that you feel inside, but Jesus knows what it feels like. He also went through suffering. He was rejected and condemned. He was accused and punished for the things that He didn’t do. Jesus was betrayed by His disciples. That’s why, He understands what you feel. It’s in the painful moments that you can intimately connect to His heart. It’s when you will realize the weight of the cross that He carried. It’s when you will have an idea about how big His love is. It’s in the darkest and most heartbreaking moments in your life that Jesus’ sacrifice becomes more real to you. If you will just open your heart and allow Him to come in, especially when you are wounded, and in pain, He will show you how amazing His grace is.
Sometimes, Jesus will use the difficult moments in your life to lead you back into His arms. It’s where you will discover His ways. When you long for more of His love, your thirst will be quenched, and your hunger will be satisfied. When you learn to depend on Him more than you rely on your own understanding, that’s when you will witness more of His miracles. When you fully surrender the pain, Jesus will enter your heart, and He will walk with you along the healing process. You will know Him more by the way He handles and carries you all along. You will learn to treat Him not just as your Savior but also as your dearest friend. When you choose to walk with Him even in the most painful moments, His light will always be there to lead you.
Don’t carry the pain on your own. You may find it hard to ask for His help because you can’t see His ways, but don’t stop praying. Talk to Jesus, and He will let you feel His great love. Seek His face even in times when your tears can’t stop falling. Cry out everything in His presence. Surrender all the pain, and He will wrap His arms around you. Stop depending on your own strength. Jesus is just waiting for you. Just allow His grace to take over and let go of the things that you can’t control. Let the goodness of God remind you to keep hoping and stay in touch. Hold His hands and keep your faith. The pain will soon make sense.
Come to Jesus and He will comfort you. Open your bible so that you will be reminded of His promises. Aside from that, you will also receive instructions and heavenly perspectives that will change the course of your life. Read His stories and meditate on His ways. The words that are written in the scriptures are alive. If you just set your eyes on what God said, then you will always receive the comfort that you need.

One Comment
Peta jaye
It was a heavy situation at times for all the wrongs decissions in my life i feel that i have no one to cry but for the Lord i was c 🎉nfuse evrything falling apart my mind my heart and my integrety as a person it was me..who causes it and whom hu i trust the most but it was a great lesson for me..and i accpet my consecquences ..you know while reading this im longing for Gods love a hug to carry all my burdens and pain and im really sorry for what i have done..i feel small ima so ashame of what other see me and talk behind but thankypu for this letter i know God has a better plan for me its not too late 🙏😭wthanku pursued