Jesus Can Relate To What You Feel Because He Also Experienced Pain
Your savior is not blind. Maybe you think that He can’t relate to you, but remember that Jesus also went through suffering. He also has deep wounds, and He went through so much pain. That’s why never forget that He understands your heart. He knows what it feels like because He was also a human. He knows the temptations and the selfish desires of our flesh. But the good news is, Jesus overcomes everything. He rose from the dead and saved us from eternal suffering. So take heart. What you feel right now will never last forever. If you allow Jesus to reign inside, you will also experience great healing in your heart, and your life will never be the same again.
Call upon the name of Jesus, and He will always comfort you. He will embrace you with His love, and He will let you feel secured and protected. He knows that it’s not easy, and you find it hard to overcome the pain. Just open your heart for Him and let Him come in. He will listen to you, so never hesitate to share your thoughts with Him. He can handle all the negative emotions you have inside. He will never condemn you. Instead, He will make you feel treasured and accepted. Jesus will help you face the difficult things you experienced. His great love will give you the strength to overcome everything.
Jesus is your friend. You can talk to Him, and you can always depend on His love. He will never betray you. He is always faithful. When He says that He will keep His promises, then He will surely do it in your life. Jesus will never leave your side. He will hold your hands so that you will not easily fall down. He will carry you in His back when you feel so tired to get up. He will always be there for you. Surrender all your pain in the arms of your dear friend, and He will carry it for you. He will give you peace so that you can take a rest.
Please don’t treat Him as a stranger. Acknowledge Him in your life. Never exclude Him from the decisions that you will make. Put Him at the center of your life so that you will not easily get swayed by the things that life throws at you. Remember that you can always trust in the name of God. You can always consult and ask for some help. Just know that He believes in you, and He wants you to be fully healed.