Jesus followed the will of the Father and not His Emotions
Going a little farther, He fell with His face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
Matthew 26:39
Jesus also went through suffering. When He was still here on earth, our Heavenly Father already told Him that He would be crucified on the cross for the sake of the world. And just like any human being, Jesus also felt sad. That’s why He pleaded with God to take away the cup from Him – the cup that carries the sins of the world. At this time, He was so troubled. If I were in Jesus’ place, I would’ve walked away and saved myself. Maybe I’ll feel scared and ask God to change His plans. But Jesus didn’t do such a thing. He did the exact opposite. He faced what He felt, and He surrendered it in the arms of the Father. Instead of allowing His emotions to reign, Jesus uttered these powerful words,
“… not as I will, but as you will.”
Jesus chose to follow The Father despite what He felt. He acknowledged His sovereignty. He honors God above His emotions. This is a powerful reminder to choose God over what we feel. Yes, it’s not an easy thing to do. There are moments when it seems like you are fighting against what you truly feel, but what Jesus did is different. He chose to remember the will of God. He humbly served Him even in moments when He felt so sad and troubled.
May we also have the grace to do the same thing. May we choose to serve God even in moments when we are in pain. May we learn to follow His instructions and put Him first. What Jesus did is a powerful way of worshipping God. It’s like He proclaims that His power is greater than what He feels.
He released His emotions through a prayer of surrender. Instead of walking away, Jesus faced them in the arms of the Father. He kneeled down and shared what He truly felt. Jesus knew that His Father was listening. He kept His faith despite the emotions He had inside. He didn’t allow the fear to persist. Instead, He chose to trust the will of God, and He kept going.
Just like you, Jesus also felt troubled inside. That’s why He understands you. And you need to keep in mind the things that He did. May His life become a powerful reminder that you can absolutely manage what you feel.
Jesus overcomes this world. And if you received His love, then it means that He is inside of you. Know that you can do all things because He will give you the strength that you need. So when you can’t understand what you feel, or you think that you are so weak. Just remember what Jesus did. Turn your emotions into a prayer of surrender. Share to God what you feel and let Him take good care of you.
Above all, choose to follow His will. Acknowledge His power in your life. And trust in His great plans. You can absolutely take charge of your feelings. Just don’t rely on your own strength. Instead, choose to surrender in His presence.