
Jesus Is All I Have But He Is More Than Enough

I don’t know about you, but I really thought before that worldly success can absolutely complete my life. I strive so hard to achieve the things that I thought would make my life more meaningful. I rely entirely on my own effort and understanding and focus on the temporary things that I thought would last for a lifetime. I believed that I will be happy the moment I receive the things that I desired in my heart, but then at the end of the day, I still end up alone and empty on the inside.

When I encountered the great love of Jesus in my life, I realized that all this time, I’ve been chasing dreams that will just fade away, and His love alone can fully satisfy me. I discovered who I truly am in His eyes. He introduced me to the kind of life that is worth living. He made my experience what it feels like to be loved. God became the source of my hope, and in Him, I am fully restored.

Right now, I can say that Jesus is all I have. Yes, I do have a family and the basic things that I need, but I know that it will all fade away one day. Everything in this world is temporary. The earthly wealth that we acquired in our life will never be permanent. When our life here on earth is through, what’s left for us will be our relationship with God and the people around us.

The only permanent thing in this world is change and, of course, the faithfulness of God. So don’t attach yourself too much on the things that are just temporary. Focus on the love of God in your life, for it will never fade away. You can carry His great love even through eternity. Life can be very mysterious sometimes, but the God who created it wants you to treasure it by simply living with Him.

The moment you realize that God alone can satisfy your heart, you will learn to cherish every moment you have with Him. The changes in this world can never break you because you are entirely relying on the strongest foundation you could ever have. The challenges and struggles in this life will never shake your faith because you know that Jesus alone is your only hope and strength. Your happiness will never be based on the things that are happening around you, but you will always find it deep inside your heart where Jesus lives. Above all, you will always be satisfied with everything that He is doing in your life, and you will know that He is more than enough.