
Jesus Is Calling You Back Again

Sometimes what you need is not a place where you can rest
But someone who can listen to you without biases
Sometimes what you want is not a life full of riches
But the kind of feeling that will truly satisfy you deep inside

Sometimes you are not really looking for love from somebody
But you just wanted to be healed
And you thought that the love from others can restore what’s broken
But the truth is, only God can heal the matters of your Heart
Because it takes a divine intervention to fully heal the scars inside

Sometimes we are too occupied with things of this world
That we tend to forget the one who truly matters
We are too focus on the things that will one day perish
And tend to forget the one who will stay with us until the end

Most of the time, we chose to listen to lies
Rather than accepting the truth behind everything
Because the truth is too painful to face

Sometimes we choose easier ways to experience instant changes
But then we don’t know that real change takes a long process
It takes time
And above all, a lot of patience

There are moments when we beg God to give us
The thing that we truly wantWe pray day and night,
We are on our knees, crying out to Him
Hoping that He will give what we truly want
And when we don’t receive answers
We get mad at Him
Thinking that He never really cared for our feelings

But the truth is, God, prepared better things for us
He cares for us to the point that He would rather choose to protect us
Than give us something that might destroy our lives
He would rather teach us how to love
Than to live a life full of abundance yet breaking on the inside

God would rather choose to let our faith grow
Than to settle on things that are not really meant for us
Yes, sometimes life is so mysterious
Maybe because the one who made it is a beautiful mystery
That we can never really fathom

His understanding is greater
That’s why if you really don’t know what to do,
Just seek God
And only then you will realize so many things
You will learn how to deal with your pain
You will know how to love without expecting anything in return

Sometimes we are too busy with ourselves
That we forget our first love
And right now, Jesus is calling you back again

One Comment

  • Fe Caps

    this page is really a big help to all who are looking for uplifting words and encouragement. Most of the posts and blogs are truthful and reliable. Expounded from the Word of God. As i read, i can easily relate because some posts are related to what i have been through in life…Indeed, experienced is a great teacher. May the good Lord continue to bless this page to reach more people who need encouragement and hope which is found in Christ alone through the staffs who are working together whom He use as a channel of blessings.