
Jesus moves According to what you Need

They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, “Do you see anything?” He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.” Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Jesus sent him home, saying, “Don’t even go into the village.”
Mark 8: 22-26

You can’t compare the miracles that others receive from what you experienced. Jesus moves according to what you need. He knows the blessings that can fully satisfy your heart. You may think that you also want those things that God gave to other people, but you need to trust Him and surrender your own will. Wait and let Him connect to the deepest part of your soul.

He doesn’t give blessings just to satisfy you, but He also wants you to know His heart. If you are just patient enough to wait for His promises to be fulfilled, then you will realize that only Jesus can satisfy the thirst inside. He is the best doctor. He will give you the right medicine, so don’t ask for something that will just break your heart in the end. Wait for God’s best. Listen to His voice and allow Him to perform miracles.

From the passage above, we can learn two important things about how Jesus touched and healed the blind man.

  1. Jesus took the blind man by the hand – Jesus did not just utter the word “be healed” or allow Him to touch His clothes, but instead, He personally led Him out of the village. He touched the man because this is how He can connect to His heart. By making Him feel that someone is holding Him even though He can’t see anything, it gave Him the security and the assurance that He needed. You see, Jesus is a personal God. He communicates to us in ways that can absolutely touch our souls. In this story, He is not just addressing the blindness of the person, but more importantly, He is giving Him the deepest longing of His heart which is to feel safe and be guided. That’s how Jesus will answer your cries. He doesn’t look at the symptoms, but He is digging down inside the root. He wants to give you what you truly need.
  2. He had spit on the man’s eye and put His hands on Him – Jesus didn’t perform that kind of healing to the mute, lame, and demon-possessed people. He did that very unique gesture to address what the man truly needs. By spitting and putting His hands to the man’s eyes, He made Him feel so close and intimate. In such a way, the blind man will have an idea of how Jesus healed Him by letting Him feel every move that He made. This is obviously an act of connecting to the blind man’s heart. This is what intimacy is all about. Jesus is a personal God who knows what you long for. And He wants to give them to you. He moves and speaks according to what your heart truly desires. That’s how He performs miracles in your life.

This story is a very wonderful reminder for us to stop comparing ourselves to others. God moves in our lives in ways we can’t easily comprehend. So instead of being so impatient because we haven’t experienced our miracles yet, why not learn to trust Him and wait until He satisfies our souls?

Remember that Jesus moves in different ways. He knows how your heart works. He is aware of what can truly make you feel happy and whole. So wait for Him and know that when His perfect time comes, He will touch the deepest part of your soul and give you what you truly need, just like what He did to the blind man.

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