Jesus wants us to Carry our Cross and Follow Him
It’s not going to be that easy. Many people think that when you receive Jesus as your king and savior, your life will be full of happy memories. You will no longer face problems, and you will experience joy every single day. Yes, this may be true when we go to heaven, but as long as we are living here on earth, we will still experience moments of brokenness and pain. There will be times when we need to carry our cross. It means that we will face burdens that are heavy for us to handle. Things won’t be that smooth because Jesus knows that following Him is like going through a narrow road. But despite this truth, He also promised us enough grace that will sustain us all throughout the journey.
So when you face obstacles along the way, then treat it as an opportunity for you to glorify God. Make the most of that moment. Learn the lessons that God wants you to apply, and patiently wait for His ways. Those moments will sometimes break you, but they will lead you to love God even more. The obstacles can either motivate or discourage you from following Him. And you will only have the courage to use it as your inspiration when you learn to focus on His power and not on your weaknesses. It’s the moment for you to experience God’s strength.
When you learn to carry your cross, you will also have a glimpse of what it means to suffer for the sake of following God, just like what Jesus did. You will have a special connection with your savior, and you will receive revelations that will blow your mind. He will speak to you in the most intimate way, and you will realize that the suffering that He experienced is not that easy. You will have an idea of how painful it is for Him, and that’s when you will learn to slowly love Him with all your heart. The cross can give you a glimpse of how heavy it is to carry the sins of this world. It’s hard to fathom, but Jesus will reveal wonderful things to you when you go through problems.
The suffering of this world will lead you closer to Jesus. You will realize how great and good He is. It’s God’s most effective way of convicting us of our sins. It’s where He will lead us to live a life of holiness. It’s so mysterious, but the storms that you face in life can powerfully transform you to become a better child of God. It’s where He will reveal the things that you need to change. It’s going to be so painful, but it’s always worth it.