
Jesus Will Help You Rise Above The Temptations

The enemy tried to tempt Jesus while He lived here on earth. But despite the temptations that He experienced, He overcame the evil power. If Jesus was able to do that, He can also help you win over the temptations you face. Come to Him and ask for help. Don’t rely on your own strength. Instead, be rooted in His love and allow His words to penetrate your heart. It is a sword that will fight against the lies the enemy tries to inject into your thoughts. It’s like a weapon that will lead you to victory. So when you are surrounded by things that push you to give up, remember that Jesus will help you. Call upon His Name, and He will move.

The blood of Jesus is powerful. It can wash away your sins. Sometimes, the enemy appears so powerful in your life because you allowed Him to win by committing things that don’t glorify God. It’s time for you to step up and allow the blood of Jesus to purify your soul. Let His love give you a brand new heart. Only then will you be able to identify what the enemy is doing. The precious blood of Jesus will help you defeat the unseen things. His presence appears so evident the moment you fix your eyes on Him.

Focus on what God can do to you, not what the enemy does. Magnify the blessings and miracles that He did. When you feel scared because you are surrounded by so many temptations, kneel in prayer and choose to surrender. Lift up your hands in worship and remind yourself that Jesus will reign. He will continue to move despite all your fears. When you declare His power in your life, your faith will grow, and you will look at your situation according to God’s perspective.

You will victoriously overcome the temptations if you will put Jesus in your heart. Let His light shine. Humbly surrender the things that you can’t control, and His hands will be there to perform miracles. Take heart! Your loving Savior has already won the battle. It means that you are also destined to experience a better future. Things will be okay. Just be patient with your season. When the voice of the enemy seems louder than God’s word and promises, then it means that you need to activate your faith. Believe with all your heart that He is moving even if you can’t see His hands. He is doing His thing even if you are bombarded with so many lies in your head.