
Jesus Will Reign No Matter What Happens

The world may have a lot of tragedies and problems. People may face so many struggles in life. But one day, the suffering will end because Jesus will reign no matter what happens. What He did on the cross proves that there is always victory in Him. He already defeated the enemy, and His blood is powerful enough to redeem His people from the fire of hell. All we need to do is to believe and keep the faith.

Jesus will help you through. Make Him the God of your life and let His blood redeem you from your painful past. There is so much more that God prepared for your future. You may not see it now because maybe you are so occupied with fears and a lot of disappointments. But the moment you overcome all your personal problems, you will realize that great things are waiting for you.

Do not lose hope. Jesus didn’t just die on the cross just to see His people suffer. He will help us through. We just need to open our hearts for His love and allow Him to restore us. The moment you receive Him as your loving Savior, you will experience heaven on earth. Yes, there will be pain, but the love of Jesus will let us experience what it feels like to be in heaven. His kingdom will reign here on earth. And all the people will believe that He is the son of God who chose to die just to save His people from sins.

You are meant to overcome this world. The blood of Jesus that is flowing through you is powerful enough to defeat the forces of the enemy. Remember that we are all in a spiritual battle, and His blood alone can rescue us from eternal condemnation. Believe with all your heart that you are already victorious because Jesus is in you. He loves you so much and that will never change. Do not be afraid of your future because you are already a champion.

Put this always in your heart, Jesus is doing something in the spiritual realm. That’s why we need to keep on praying. We may not see what’s going on because God’s ways are always mysterious, but we need to trust Him. Let’s keep on believing that something great will happen despite all the tragedies we experienced.

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