John 11:40, NIV
Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”
John 11:40, NIV
Jesus’ dear friend Lazarus was already dead and buried in the tomb for four days. When He asked the people to open his grave, Martha insisted and tried to stop Him. Upon hearing her, Jesus said that if she believed, she would see the glory of God. Just like Martha, we also have moments in life when we feel like the hope that we are holding on to is slowly fading away. We once prayed for things to be different, but when everything closes, and all you see is darkness, you can’t help but stop asking for some change to happen. It may be hard to keep our faith, but let’s not forget what Jesus said. Let’s choose to believe and wait for God’s glory to manifest.
May you have the courage to believe in God despite the challenges and pain that you experienced.