His Word

John 17:24, NIV

Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.

John 17: 24, NIV

This is Jesus’ prayer to those who will follow Him. If you are one of them, then your Savior wanted to be with you. He wants to take you wherever He goes. He wants you to see His glory. And this glory is not out of nothing, but it comes from God’s love. Jesus knew the love of the Father and He also wanted us to experience that love through Him. This is the reason why He is the only One who can reveal to us who the Father is. He came from God, and He alone knows what it means to have a relationship with Him. So instead of doing things on your own, come to the arms of Jesus and allow Him to love you. Let Him lead you to the place that He prepared.

May you experience the glory of God through the love of Jesus.