His Word

John 17:7, NIV

Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you.

John 17:7, NIV

Jesus knew that everything that He received came from God. Sometimes, we tend to forget this truth, especially when we receive blessings after exerting effort and doing our best. We feel entitled to what He gave to the point that we can no longer share it with others. We find it hard to treat ourselves as vessels because we forget that what we have all come from God. So if you are surrounded by people who are in need, and you happen to have more than enough blessings, then remember that what you have comes from God. Freely give what you freely receive. Don’t treat your riches as your own because, truth is, God is the one who gave you those things.

I pray that you will never forget that God is the only source of the blessings that you receive.