His Word

John 18:25, NIV

Meanwhile, Simon Peter was still standing there warming himself. So they asked him, “You aren’t one of his disciples too, are you?” He denied it, saying, “I am not.”

John 18:25, NIV

Simon Peter is a disciple of God. He followed our Savior and listened to His teachings. Jesus would take Him to different places. He walked on water, and He saw Jesus perform miracles. Peter went through a lot with Jesus, but those experiences were not enough for Him to feel secure when persecution happened. The moment Jesus was arrested, Simon Peter left His master. He even denied Him not once but three times. And the amazing part is that Jesus knew all these things even before Peter committed his mistakes. But still, Jesus’ faith remained. He still believes that Peter would come back and serve Him. Sometimes, we are like Peter, who can easily deny Jesus when we go through pain and challenges. But even if we commit so many mistakes, let’s choose to humble ourselves and come back in the arms of our Savior. He will be there to embrace and accept us again.

I pray that you will choose to humbly come to Jesus when you commit mistakes.