His Word

John 8:7

When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

John 8:7, NIV

The crowd presented this adulterous woman to Jesus and tried to condemn her. During that time, a person who is caught in the act of adultery will be stoned and put to death. But instead of doing such a thing, Jesus asked those who are pure and imperfect to cast the first stone. The truth is, only our Savior has the right to condemn and judge because He is the only one who is pure and perfect in that place. But instead of doing it, Jesus made the crowd realize that just like the adulterous woman, they are also imperfect people who need the grace of God. You see, most of the time, we are part of that crowd. We tend to condemn other people because of their sins. We even ask God to punish them. But the truth is, we are not perfect. We may appear righteous in the eyes of others, but God knows the impurities we have inside. Just like those who committed terrible mistakes, you and I also need a Savior. So let’s stop condemning others. Instead, let’s learn to extend grace and mercy to those who need it.

May you never forget that you also need a Savior, just like everyone else.