Joy Comes When You Allow God To Take Over
If you wanted to be happy, then you need to learn how to surrender. Allow God to take over, and you will experience joy deep within. You feel so tired on the inside because you choose to carry everything on your own. You didn’t ask for His help, and you think that you can make it by yourself. Let Him be the God of your life. Stop following your own will. Instead, acknowledge His ways and let Him move. You don’t have to be afraid. He will take good care of you. God can transform your life, and He can take away the burdens that you are carrying all this time. Treat God as your partner. Hold His hands and depend more on Him.
Have a humble heart to accept the truth that you need God in your life. Surrender to Him the things that you can’t control. Allow Him to move and perform miracles. The burdens are too heavy for you to carry because you think that you are the only one who can solve them. Remember that you have a loving Father, and you can always count on Him. He will send enough provision. He will never abandon you in this season. So keep your faith and abide in His ways. Just come to His presence and lift up everything that’s bothering you. He will make way for you. Just wait and be patient. God will help you solve your problems.
Choose to trust in Him. Maybe you feel so alone along the journey because you can’t simply trust God to handle your situation. You forget the miracles that He did in your life, and you choose to listen to the lies of the enemy. Just remind yourself that He is powerful than the challenges that you are facing right now. God can do all things. Never limit Him in your life. Believe with all your heart that He can make things beautiful in His time.
You will only receive His joy the moment you learn to depend on Him. Stop relying on your own strength and understanding. Acknowledge God in everything that you do, and you will feel blessed on the inside. The joy of the Lord will be your greatest source of strength. It’s a gift that only God can give. It’s something that this world can never offer. So set your eyes on God and stop looking for happiness in the wrong places. He will lift up your burdens, and you will experience the kind of joy that you can never contain.

Maria Wincel Joy Aventajado
Thank you
Roland Aguirrr
I really need God…and i do really need God’s help for the heavy burdens i have..
Yes, He is my lover, my one great love and the strength of my life. Every day I feel so in love with Him. Now, I am in the midst of uncertainties but still I believe that He has a great plan for my life. Asking Him to increase my faith and let His words and love rooted in my heart, soul and Spirit. I love Him so much♥️.