Just Because You Are Injured Doesn’t Mean Your Life Is Over
The pain that you’ve been going through right now will never last. Please don’t allow the wounds to stop you from living this life to the fullest. Just because you experienced the most devastating moment in your life doesn’t mean everything is over. You can start again. It may not be a comfortable journey ahead, but you need to take the next step and choose to move on. If God still gives you the chance to breathe, it simply means that He still wants you to do something important. You still have a purpose here on earth. So let God heal you and change your heart. Never lose hope because joy comes in the morning. You may find it hard to see your future because everything appears so blurry, but trust that God will lead you in the right direction as long as you put your trust in Him.
The injury you encountered will make you strong on the inside. You may feel so weak right now because the pain is still there. You think that you can no longer stand up because of too much burden but then, do not give up. Let God heal your heart, and He will make it new. He is just building you right now so that you will receive the great blessings that He prepared for you. He is currently teaching you how to handle setbacks in life so that you will not be easily shaken when you encounter trials in the future. You will never be the same person after this. Trust that God is transforming you, and He wants you to discover your potential in this season.
There is always hope in the arms of God. You can always trust in Him. The darkness that you experienced in your life will fade away the moment His light will come in. You just have to let Him reign inside your heart. The love of God will be there to give you enough strength. You may fall down and experience hardships, but you will never feel empty in His arms. He will provide you with the blessings that you need. His grace will sustain you until the end.
Trust that God will use your life to glorify His name. Your season right now is not yet the end of your story. There are still a lot of things that God prepared for you. So raise your head and stop looking at your situation. Focus on your faith and choose to exalt your Heavenly Father even in the midst of hardships. His blessings will flow in your life, and you will realize that nothing is impossible with God.

Thank you God for lifting me up all the time
Thank you Lord. I needed this . Thank you for inspiring me.❤️
Thank you so much Pursued for the overflowing wisdom that you’ve been sharing in a creative way. You really lifted my spirit and let it soar high despite of the tests. My warmest and deepest gratitude to you. God bless you more thoughts and wisdom to help those in dire need.