
Just Do Your Best For God, And Everything Will Be Worth It

The way you do things will change the moment learn to surrender everything to God. You may have your own plans and goals, and you may want to fulfill them for the people you love and for others, but this time around, try to redirect your focus to God. Do your best not because you want to achieve your dreams but because God deserves your all.

Offer all the works of your hands to Him and allow Him to bless them. Give your all and acknowledge that He is the source of your strength and wisdom. This is not about you, but this is about the God who is living in you. Don’t focus on your own efforts. You will feel exhausted if you rely on what you have. Set your eyes on God and allow Him to lead you to the right steps and decisions.

The fulfillment you will feel inside will be a lot more different if you do things for Him. It will help you stay humble. It will remind you that every blessing that you receive comes from Him. And because you rely on His strength, you will stop focusing on what you can and cannot do. Instead, you will focus on what God can do in your life.

It will be worth it in the end. When you seek God’s kingdom first, everything else will follow. If you obey Him and abide in His love, you will always be guided. So, stop looking at your own weaknesses. Instead, it’s time to believe in God’s power and love. Trust that He will move in the midst.

Remember that God is watching. Treat Him as your most important audience. Offer everything that you do for Him. Worship Him through the works of your hands, your words, and your deeds. Let your life reflect His goodness and grace.