Self Development

Just Let The Rain Shower All The Impurities You Have Inside

God will send rain in your life so that you will grow into a better person. Aside from that, God will also use the struggles and challenges to purify your thoughts. The difficult things you are going through will reveal your heart’s status, and only then will you discover the important matters that you need to work on. Through the problems that you face, God will reveal your weaknesses and strength. When you learn more about yourself, then that’s the time when you will also appreciate the things that God is doing in your life. You will see His hands moving, and you will know that God is working on certain areas of your heart that need to be purified.

Be patient when you go through challenges. God is doing something beautiful deep within your heart. You may think that you are going through the darkness, but sometimes, your problems will show you the real situation of your life. It will open your eyes to the things that you used to ignore. He will reveal to you the sins that you failed to surrender to God. Remember that He wants you to receive freedom. That’s why He needs to do something that will open your eyes to the truth that He wants you to realize. You may not understand everything but pray for a humble heart that is willing to listen to His voice. God will teach you how to deal with it.

If you try to evaluate your perceptions about your situation, you will realize that you still have negative thoughts in your mind that you need to face. When you are fully aware of what’s going on inside. You will slowly see the small steps that God wants you to take. Just don’t be afraid to follow His instructions because that’s the only way for you to experience the kind of life that’s worth living. You will be safe because He will give you enough courage to walk in the rain and face the things that hinder you from receiving the fullness of His blessings.

God will teach you how to appreciate the rain in your life. You may think that it’s painful and hard, but you will learn to see things differently when you allow His love to come in. He will change the way you look at your problems and how you deal with the negative situations you experienced. One day, your faith will grow, and you will learn to dance in the rain.