
Just Remember How God Made You Feel So Special And Loved

The circumstances around you will challenge your faith. It will test your patience and your character. But even though it’s hard to face it, we still need to press on for the glory of God. When you feel so hopeless, and you don’t really know what to do, always remember the love of God. Go back to the first time you encounter Him and remember how He made you feel special and loved. Those beautiful moments will give you hope to move on. Always put it in your heart, for it will serve as your powerful weapon.

There are really moments in life when we just don’t know what’s happening anymore. We tend to focus on our situation and feel so anxious and worried because nobody can help us. But when you are so bombarded with problems, never forget that God loves you so much. His love alone will give you hope and strength. It will never fail to comfort you. The Holy Spirit will provide you with enough knowledge and wisdom so that you will always be guided about the best thing to do.

Your memories with God are a powerful reminder for you that He is always helpful, and He will never abandon you. It will give you enough strength to overcome all the difficulties that you face. So treasure your every moment with God because there are times when we feel like He is so silent. We tend to think that God already leaves us all alone, but when that day happens, all you have to do is recall the goodness of God in your life, and don’t forget to worship His name. The truth is, He just wants us to have faith in Him.

Remember the way God made you feel so loved and always carry it inside your heart. Because when doubts and fears come in, you can always hold on to the faithfulness of God in your life. Fill your mind with good things. Stop focusing on your problems. If you feel like you wanted to give up, just remind yourself over and over again that God loves you. No one else in this world will love you the way He did. Only Him can satisfy your heart. So choose to believe and have faith even if you can’t see anything yet.

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