Self Development

Just Respect The People Around You Even If It’s Hard To Love Them

Loving others takes a lot of courage. It becomes even harder the moment you discover that there are certain qualities that you don’t like about the person.  You tend to magnify your differences instead of looking at the positive side. You find it hard to love them because you think that you can never understand their personalities. But even though it’s challenging for you, please choose to respect the person. After all, God designed us equally, and He wanted us to treat each other without biases. If you wanted to love someone, you could start by simply treating them just like how God treated you.

Respect means you acknowledge that the person in front of you is also God’s creation. He destined them to live here on earth, and just like you, they are also created for a purpose. So you need to treat them like they are God’s children. Maybe you find it hard to accept them because they caused you so much pain. But at the end of the day, they are also human. They commit mistakes in life. If you can’t love them right now, at least show respect to them because that’s what God wants you to do.

Try your best to treat them kindly even if you think that they don’t deserve it. The people around you are not perfect so give them the chance to grow and mature. They may find it hard to learn the lessons, but you can lift them up to God through prayers. You can ask His help and let His presence guide you about the right thing to do. One day, you will also learn to honor them. May you choose to treat them well even if you never receive fair treatments from them. They may not appreciate the things that you do but know that God is watching over you. He will bless you with more love so that you can share it with others.

You deserve to be respected, and the same goes for the people around you. Other’s may say that respect needs to be earned but remember what Jesus did while He was still here on earth. He respected and loved everyone, including the sinners, even if they don’t deserve it. May we always follow His ways and choose to love the people around us, just like how God loves them. I know that it’s not easy, but just allow the Holy Spirit to teach us how to do it.