Keep on Moving, and Don’t Stop Learning
Embrace changes in your life. Do not hinder new things from happening to you. Take risks and keep on moving. Continue to try and accept whatever is the outcome. Do not figure out everything at once. Just take the step that you have at the moment. Do not rush things, but do not stop moving either. If you get tired, take some rest and continue. Life is not a race, but living requires you to move. When God presents you opportunities, take a leap of faith and do it. Remember, you cannot erase fear, but He can give you reasons to go on. Remind yourself of your purpose and let that be your guide as you journey in life.
Don’t hold yourself back from the blessings God has stored for you. There will be moments when God will present you with entirely new things. Such things can make you doubt yourself. But take the courage and take it. Who knows what lies ahead. If you are worried about what would happen, just take the step and remember that God is the One who gave it to you. Have that faith no matter what you are feeling. Sometimes, God’s way is hard to take, especially when you are so unsure of what will happen. But it is also the best time to have faith and trust in His ways.
When God makes you wait, it doesn’t mean you stop doing anything. Waiting is a process. During that season in your life, you are also meant to do something. Don’t stay in the same place where you started. Yes, you have to keep your feet on the ground, but you also need to move. Do not stay still. Continue your journey even if God tells you to wait. Moving will get you to your destination someday. Moving will make things happen. And it will be your choice on what to do with your life.
Faith requires you to move. Faith is about taking steps amid uncertainty and fear. God is working, but you also need to move and make things happen. But just be guided by Him. Ask God for His ways in your life. Welcome Him when you make decisions, no matter how small or big they may be. Develop your relationship with Him and grow in His presence every day. Do not rely on your own understanding; instead, read your bible and ask for God’s guidance. Allow God to move in your life through the people and events surrounding you.