Keep on Reading the Bible
Read the Bible
It’s the best solution to your problems
You may not find the exact solution you want
But you will discover a lot of lessons there
You will be reminded of your true identity in the Lord
If you are so confused with your decisions right now
Then learn to read the Bible
You can always learn a lot of practical wisdom there
If you need comfort,
You can always turn to the word of God
And you will always be reminded about His great love for you
Read the story of Jesus
And you will know what true love is
You will have an idea of how He handles temptation
Study the letters of the apostles
And you will discover a lot of things about God
You will know how He loves the church so much
And how much He wanted more people
to hear about His great love
Read the book of Psalms
And you will learn to worship God
even if you feel so much pain inside
Try to read the story of Job
And you will know how to handle
the most difficult seasons in your life
Read the story of Abraham
And you will know what true faith is
Read the story of Moses
And you will discover what it means to obey God
The Bible is alive
It gives us a lot of wisdom on how to deal with life
It’s the most effective way to get to know more about God
And His great love for His people
Remind yourself about His promises
Read it again and again
Until you will realize that
God’s word is always enough
And it will always strengthen us no matter what happen