Keep Sharing God’s blessings even if you still have so many unanswered Prayers
Do not look at what you don’t have. Instead, focus on the blessings that God already provided. Maximize the resources around you by sharing them with those who need help. Keep releasing God’s gifts and talent even if you still have so many unanswered prayers. God is working in your life. You may feel like what you have are not enough, but He can multiply them so that they can bless more people. Learn to honor God through the little things that you receive from Him, and He will bless you with more than what you can imagine.
When you extend some help to those who are in need, you are like giving God the opportunity to bless you even more. And He will help you see the things that are much better than what you prayed for. As you continue to honor His Name, you will also realize that you are surrounded by enough blessings. Remember that the more you give, the more you will also feel so blessed.
God can multiply the things that you offered for His Kingdom. He can turn them into something that is beyond your heart’s desires. When you serve His people, you will also realize the important factors that matter most in the end. Your perspective will change. And your dreams will be aligned to His purpose. So keep sharing what you have. Be a good steward of His blessings, and your prayers will slowly change.
You will learn to ask for things that will not only benefit you but will also bless more people. He will increase the love that you have inside so that you can freely share it with those who are hurting. When you focus on other people’s needs, you will stop thinking of the prayers that God didn’t answer yet. Instead, you will use the resources around you for His glory.
Follow the will of God. Obey His words even if there are times when you can’t fully understand them. Respect His sovereignty and acknowledge His power. Put His Kingdom first, and everything else will follow. If He asks you to do something for your brothers and sisters, then don’t hesitate to do it, because He is building your character.
He is teaching you how to offer your life for others so that Christ may live in you. He may ask you to carry your cross and sacrifice your time and energy for those who are in pain, but when you fulfill His instructions, you will be satisfied within. And when you are happy on the inside, you will also stop focusing on the things that you don’t have.
Sometimes, God doesn’t instantly answer your prayers because He wants you to see the blessings that He prepared. And you will only identify them the moment you learn to share and give yourself away for the glory of God. It comes after an obedient heart. You need to listen to His voice so that you will be aligned with His ways. And when God sees that you are prepared enough, then He will send you the blessings that are meant for you. Don’t be afraid when God asks you to help someone. Just follow Him and know that He will provide for what you need. Serve His people, and He will give you what you ask for. Surrender to Him all your worries and cares. When the time is right, He will answer your prayers and let you experience greater blessings.

One Comment
Nathaniel Myles
Amen! Praise God!