Keep Walking because you never Know What’s Waiting for you on the Other side
Great things are waiting for you, so don’t give up. You may not see what’s ahead, but God prepared a bright future for you. Do not focus on what went wrong. Instead, fix your eyes on the lessons and try your best to apply them. The journey may appear so challenging, but behind the obstacles are opportunities for you to become a better version of yourself. Each problem teaches you fresh revelations about God and how to deal with yourself. So make the most of your season right now. You never know what’s waiting for you on the other side. As long as you stay in the presence of God, then expect more blessings to come. He will always provide you with enough grace. Do not be afraid.
You’ve been through so many obstacles already, and everything will be wasted if you quit now. So keep going. Apply the lessons that you learned and never waste all the efforts you exerted to arrive at this place. God has been so faithful to you. He sustained you with enough blessings, and He will continue to give you what you need until you finish your journey with victory. So trust that God will hold your hands and give you enough strength. Sometimes, you may not feel His presence but know that He is always there with you.
You will soon arrive in the place that God prepared for you, and everything will make sense. You will figure out the reason why you need to go through so many challenges. When you see the changes in your life, you will end up thanking Him for all the hardships that He allowed you to face. He will never do something that will put you to harm. You may go through brokenness and pain, but that doesn’t mean your life has no purpose. He is transforming your heart so that you will be able to handle His great blessings when the right time comes. He is moving in the midst. He is performing so many miracles in your life.
Remember that your life’s journey is always worth living. All the efforts and hardships will turn into unexpected blessings that will change your life for the better. The pain will turn into scars that will bless someone’s heart. And the lessons that you learned will turn into treasures that nobody can take away from you. Those things that you experienced will give you eternal rewards that this world can never give. So do not stop. Take one step at a time, and set your eyes on the great things that are waiting for you.