Self Development

Know That You Are Not Just The Only One Who Is Carrying A Heavy Burden

Choose to be kind to the people around you because you don’t know what they are going through. Know that you are not just the only one who feels so lost and tired. There are people around you who are also carrying heavy burdens. Always remember the love of God and treat others the way God treated you. There are times when we tend to judge those who commit mistakes and treat them as if they are strangers, but remember that you are also human, and just like them, you are not perfect. Purify your thoughts and just appreciate every kind deeds that you receive from others because you never really know the status of their heart and the reason why they do certain things.

You are not alone. This world is full of broken people who are also hurting, and they also need someone’s help. It’s just sometimes, you only see one side of the story. That’s why you can’t help but compare your life to others. But if you will try to listen to their experiences and know the status of their heart, you will realize that your perspective is totally different. You will discover that happy people also go through pain. Those who always inspire and listen to you also feel disappointed and lost at some point in their lives. You may think that they never understand your pain, but the truth is, they are also going through tough roads that you can’t imagine.

If you wanted to learn how to handle your situation, learn to share your problems with those people you can trust and try to listen to their stories. You will realize that you are not just the only one who is carrying a heavy burden. Most of the time, you are also surrounded by people who need some help. You just fail to notice them because you are too occupied with your own problems. When you keep on thinking about your own pain and brokenness, there’s a big possibility that you will not be able to see the bigger picture.

Choose to open your heart so that God can teach you how to understand others. Jesus will make you realize what dying to self means. It’s about serving others above yourself. Yes, you also have your own needs, but the more you choose to give what you have so that others can live, the more you will gain the courage to face your problems. There’s a mystery behind serving and loving others. You will feel so fulfilled and complete knowing that you choose to love despite all your hardships.