Knowing the word of God will lead you to a Transformed Heart
Studying the Bible is not just about gaining more knowledge, but it’s all about experiencing complete transformation in the presence of God. His word is life-changing. It’s like a sword that will take away the negative things in your heart. Sometimes it hurts, but the moment you learn how to apply His principles in your life, you will slowly see changes in your perspective and behavior. So choose to read the scriptures and don’t just take it lightly. Include it as part of your daily routine. Connect to God’s heart every day, and you will never be the same.
Your journey with God is not just about you always talking to Him. You also need to acknowledge His presence and listen to His voice. You can do it by meditating on His word and putting them inside your heart. Be dependent on God, do it by having a daily devotional time with Him. Know that it’s for your own good. You need to be reminded of His great love and kindness. So choose to put Him first, and you will experience His peace.
The Bible has so many principles that you can apply in your life. It can offer you the wisdom that this world can’t give. If you just have a humble heart to seek God, then you will know the things that matter most for Him. And when you are familiar with His ways, then your faith in Him will also grow stronger. God is the greatest author, and the Holy Spirit is your best mentor. So instead of seeking worldly wisdom, grow closer to the creator of this world, and He will reveal to you mind-blowing truths that will make you feel in awe.
The things that He will teach you will also serve as one of the most valuable treasures you can receive in this world. No one can ever take it away from you, and you can also use them in moments when you are struggling. His word is like a weapon against the uncertainties of this word. It gives you the reason to keep going and never stop believing.
Only God can completely transform your heart, and sometimes, it takes a long process for you to experience it. You need to be fully aware of His word and be more exposed to His instructions. It takes a daily habit for you to learn how to treat God as part of your life. At first, you need to intentionally choose to study His words until they become an important aspect of your day. Just be patient and learn to persevere.
Following God takes time and a commitment, but it’s going to be worth it. All your efforts in learning and understanding His words will eventually reflect on your behavior. The aim is not just to gain knowledge about God but to know who He truly is and to experience His presence. And when you receive His love, that’s the time when your heart will be transformed.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to you every time you read God’s word. Remember that it only serves as an ordinary book if His presence is not there to guide you. Rely on His grace and wait for Him to speak. Open your ears and heart so that He can come in and reveal to you the things that you need to learn. Pray that God will bring glory to His Name through the words that you’ll be reading. Don’t rely on your own understanding. Trust in His Spirit, and you will enjoy His word. Know it is food for your soul. If your body needs physical food for it to be sustained, then your soul needs spiritual food so that it will stay strong and firm.