
Ladies, Give Your Heart To Jesus, And He Will Take Good Care Of It

If you are too tired of so much pain in life and you already lose yourself because of the brokenness you feel inside, you need to remember this. Only the love of God can fully restore you. He alone can make you whole again and not the love from someone else.

If you wanted to experience the kind of love that never fails, then seek it to the perfect one. And that’s God alone. No matter how much you try to work things that way you wanted it to be, you will still encounter pain because we are all broken. We are all fighting different battles within. That’s why never depend on someone else’s love because they might break your heart. Instead of giving it to a mere human, try to offer it to Jesus, and you will be amazed.

He will make you realize that He is everything that you wanted. He can be your best lover. Spend more time with Him and treasure Him with all your heart. He will lead you to the right one. Trust in His perfect timing. He will make way for you. Enjoy God in this season. Find your satisfaction only in Him, and you will experience a lot of miracles in your life.

Jesus will change the way you look at love. As long as you open your heart for His love to come in, you will also learn to love yourself and the people who caused you pain. He will show you what forgiveness is. And the moment you get to experience life with Him, you will know in your heart that you have nothing else to ask for.

Allow God to love you, and only then will you experience what real love is. He will take good care of your heart. He will protect it. You just have to listen to Him. Instead of listening to the lies of the enemies, set your eyes on His promises. Only then will you realize that there is more to life than waiting for someone’s love to come in. Life is indeed mysterious, but when you learn to love the things that God also appreciates, you will experience genuine happiness.

You are God’s princess. And He wants to keep you until the day He will introduce the right one for you. But until that day comes, you need to learn how to stay faithful to Him. The more you encounter His love, the more you can share it with others. You are always safe in His arms. Jesus loves you more than His life. You don’t have to be afraid. Learn to trust and surrender to Him everything.