
Learn the Habit of Turning your Worries into Prayer

Your prayers can change the direction of your life. It can give you peace and the courage to move forward. So if you think that you are going through so many hindrances, and your mind is full of worries and cares, then learn the habit of turning your negative thoughts into prayers. Talk to God and share to Him everything that is keeping you from growing in His presence. When you choose to connect to God, you will experience peace because He will teach you how to handle your worries. He will reveal to you the reason for the deepest pain that caused you to feel scared and worried. God will guide you to the right path so that you will not be easily overwhelmed by your situation.

Never underestimate the power of prayer. You may think that God is not listening to you, but know that He sees everything that’s going on in your life. He already knows what you need. You pray not because you wanted to remind God but because you need to release all the negative emotions you feel inside. It is simply your way of surrendering all your problems to Him. Prayer is one of the ways for you to connect to the heart of God. It’s like you are reminding yourself that God is bigger than the challenges you are facing. So keep the fire burning by consistently talking to Him.  

Depend on God’s power. You can’t do this on your own. You need the love of God to consume your heart so that you will not be afraid to face the uncertainties of life. His love will give you the assurance that no matter what happens, God will sustain you until the end. He will increase your faith, and when you realize His great power in your life, you will start to feel at peace knowing that God is with you all along the way. Cast all worries and cares to Him, and He will perform miracles in your life. Acknowledge the truth that apart from Him, you can’t do anything.

Your worries are too small compared to the blessings of God. If you only realize the great things He prepared for you, you will stop thinking about the negative things. You may not see it right now, but that’s what faith is for. It’s choosing to believe that good things will happen despite all the difficulties that you are facing. Faith is when you choose to pray and trust that God will provide for what you need.