
Learn To Love Yourself

How you see yourself is very important
It will determine your perspective in life
It will affect your relationship with others
That’s why it’s very crucial for us to love ourselves first
Before loving others

It’s the foundation
And it’s essential
If you keep on judging yourself
Then it would be very easy for you to judge others

If you keep on talking bad about yourself
Then negative words will quickly come out to your mouth
And sometimes it can hurt others
If you don’t love yourself
Then it would be challenging for you to love others

If you poorly label yourself as someone who’s just nothing
Then it would be tough for you to value others
So if you want to have great relationships
Then it would be best if you dealt with what’s on the inside first
Especially on how you see yourself
Because it will really matter

Satan loves to attack your identity in God
He wants to destroy you
That’s why always remember that
God’s love is the only solution in restoring your identity

Let your identity be rooted in God’s love
God doesn’t look at you as a failure
You are not a mistake
You are not a loser

You are always victorious
You are worthy in God’s eyes
You are worthy of His love

You are valued by God
Even if you see yourself as worthless
God will forever treasure your life
For it is always precious for Him

God has beautiful plans for you
Just hold on and never give up
He will collect all those broken pieces of your heart
And He will turn into a beautiful piece of art

He will make you whole again
Yes, there are scars
But one day
It will be totally healed
God delights in you
It’s always been His Joy to Love you