Learn To Surrender All Your Worries And Allow Him To Take Over
Whatever it is that’s bothering you right now, learn to give it all to Jesus. Cast all your worries and cares on Him for He will help you. What He did on the cross is something that you should always remember. It is a powerful act of love that reminds you that Jesus will do anything just for you to be back in His arms again. His blood is powerful enough to defeat the negative thoughts you have inside. We just need to allow His love to come in.
Remember what Jesus did just to save you from hell. He sacrificed everything just for you to experience heaven. That’s why don’t allow the circumstances around you to stop you from remembering His great love. Surrender all the heavy burdens you feel inside. Jesus is just waiting for you to allow Him to move in your life. Do not carry it all alone. He wants to help you with your situation.
Trust in the ways of God. Sometimes, you may not understand what’s happening but know that He loves you so much and will never leave you behind. You have a loving savior. That simply means that He wants to be part of your life, and He wanted to support you all along the way. If you let Him take over, you will experience the kind of life that is full of hope and promises. You are His beloved, and He would gladly carry all your worries and struggles inside.
So offer God everything. Do not hesitate to share with Him all your problems. He is listening to you right now. You can’t make it on your own. You need the love of God to guide and lead you. He will make way for you. You just need to have a humble heart to admit deep within that you need His help and that you are nothing without Him. Let His grace move in your life, and only then will you know what it means to surrender.
Acknowledge His power over your life. If Jesus is in you, then you are more than just a conqueror. You are always victorious, and you are destined to defeat your enemies. As long as you abide in His presence, your life will always be worth it in the end.

Anton Magallanes Jr.
Thank You So Much. I need Jesus with all my heart. I now surrender my life to Jesus. Amen.
Emelyn Balolong
Pls help me, my anxiety is going worst because of covid 19. Last june i been tested as positive for covid. Until now my anxiety is going worst