Learn With God And You Will Grow Constantly
Learning has been taught in a four-cornered room ever since we were a child. Sometimes, we limit the word in a certain context of our lives as we proceed to another one. However, ‘learning’, appears to be in a present and continuous tense, which means it settles in a process and process mirrors with continuing development.
As life takes us at the end of a cliff, taking a leap is hard to do when our heart is speaking to be still. As life poured its shadows in our path, our vision may seem to ignore the light as it sees the dark. We tend to focus on things that are too clear and ignore the truth that lies behind. The fact that we hear but never listened.
However, my dear friend, learning is never easy. It does not only take sunshine for a seed to grow. As our life in parallel, we need to be cultivated, watered, and sometimes mended to grow. The good thing is it is not achieved alone. Before it settles in self, it needs ‘someone’. This someone could be another individual such as your loved ones, friends, and even strangers that you incidentally sat coffee with, or this could be ‘the’ someone you never see but once known.
He is ‘the’ someone that was always there for you even before your first breath. He is someone that always listens and never ignores. He is someone who mysteriously lays miracles in your life. He is someone who’s always been good to you. He is someone who can make you grow, if you only allow him to.
God gave us the freedom to direct our lives. He allowed us to make decisions for ourselves. He allowed us to take the steering wheel. And one beautiful thing he allowed us to do is to learn and grow. But what is more incredible is that he wants us to grow with him. He wanted to be a part of us and not just with us. He wanted us to be together with him, not only a portion of our time but always.
When things began to go out of our control, we let God take over. That’s good! However, may we not fail to see that even before things become the way they were, he is already with us. When we learn with God, we learn constantly. It does not become a one-way process, like draining someone to have something for you. But if we are with God, we are constantly – never-ending, poured with what we need for only Him could sustain us as much and more than what we need.