Self Development

Let Go And Allow Others To Grow

We can never control other people. Whether you like it or not, you will reach that point in your life when you feel tired because, at some point, you are trying to change other people’s behavior. And the best that you can do is to let go and let them grow. Allow them to commit mistakes and let them learn from their actions. If you wanted them to prosper, then don’t leave them along the journey. Give them the chance to make their own decisions. You can guide them but never try to control their live. You may love them, but at the end of the day, they always have the freedom to choose what they want. Self-development is a personal choice.

Change your perspective towards other people’s behavior. Sometimes, we tend to expect good behavior from others if we also do good things for them. Other people will treat you the way you treated them, but not everyone will do the same thing. Some people will negatively respond to your actions even if you have a good intention. No matter how much you try to influence them, they always have the choice to do their own thing. Try to put in your mind that growth will only happen when a person decides to change his behavior. 

Personal growth takes time. That’s why you really need to be patient with other people. Don’t expect them to change immediately. Remember that they still need to adjust, and it’s not an easy process for them. Just be there to support and help them. Let them feel that they are not alone in the journey. Please do not pressure them. The best that you can do is to give them the chance to discover themselves. Let go of the thought that you are responsible for their choices because you are not. You can possibly provide them with some advice, but everything is up to them.

Surrender them to God and do not stop praying for them. Only God can change their hearts. He alone can guide them to the right path. If you are scared for their future, then always put in your mind that God loves them so much. And His love alone can change their lives. Lift all your worries to Him and let Him take good care of everything. Have faith and believe with all your heart that God will do something great for the people you love, especially those people who truly need to grow and mature.