Let God Be The Source Of Your Understanding
There are really moments in life when we can’t simply understand what’s happening around us, and we even get so confused with the things going on the inside. We don’t really know everything, but the best thing we can do is to let God be the source of our understanding because only Him knows the truth about the things we are facing.
Sometimes, we let our own emotions consume us, and it became the source of all our decisions. We can no longer see the important things that we need to consider because we are so occupied with what we feel. That’s why we shouldn’t rely on our feelings and own understanding because most of the time, we get so biased with our judgments, that we couldn’t think the right way. We need to seek guidance from God, for He alone can give us a better perspective that can change our lives.
We all need to grow personally and spiritually. And we need to admit that we don’t know everything. That’s why we must listen to the Holy Spirit, for He will give us enough knowledge and wisdom to learn the essential lessons in life. It would be challenging for us to learn something new if we are not humble enough to ask for help. So, never hesitate to allow God to correct and teach you about the right thing to do.
Humans are not perfect. We will all commit mistakes and somehow disappoint others. But even though we fail sometimes, God always gives us the chance to learn. Only if we are willing to listen to Him. So if you are facing something right now and can’t really understand what’s going on, then seek the word of God. Because you can always gain practical wisdom in the Bible that will give you tips on how to deal with the matters of this life.
Just open your heart for new perspectives. Let God change the way you think. Your actions towards others and your decisions in life will matter on the way you perceive things. So let the understanding of God penetrate your mind so that you will always be guided. Let him transform the way you think first so that He can change your life as well. Remember that your mind is powerful than you think. So learn to feed it with things that will bless others.