
Let God Change You

Change is vital in our lives. Like how the world evolves so fast, people also make haste to get along. We are all surrounded by things that affect our lives and make us continually experience changes. There are times when changes happen in your favor. You worked hard and made sacrifices. You willingly learn and humble yourself along the way and just focus on the things that will help you to be where you are right now. Because of your faith and hard work, you achieved victory and success. God may have blessed you with what you earnestly prayed for after waiting patiently and courageously overcoming difficult seasons in your life. Those victories have taught you many lessons you will carry with you along the journey.

But don’t forget changes come in different forms. So as the heart of a person, it is molded through other things it has been through. The strength you will have most of the time comes in the seasons of uncertainties and doubts. Sometimes, those things start as fear. God will welcome changes in your life that will lead you to even doubt yourself and your capabilities. There will be those events that will test and shake your core and even your faith. But when that moment comes, rather than thinking of it as a punishment, make it an opportunity to witness more of God’s favor in your life. Make it a way to assess and improve yourself more. Don’t get tied with the negative comments around you. Just always remind yourself of your purpose on why He let things happen. 

Always remember that you are more than what others think of you. Don’t let go of that genuine intention that you have. Instead, let that fear and doubt turn out to be a key in determining strength and courage, and let that change your life for the better. When you pray for growth, you also pray for joy and success; along with it are the seasons of pain and brokenness. They can never be separated because one would birth the other. That is why, think of it as an opportunity. Know that His intentions are genuine, and all He wants is for your own best. To experience more of His love, you must be obedient to Him. 

Remember that you will not know what joy feels like without feeling what grief is. Likewise, you will not appreciate happiness without going through sadness. Mostly, you will only enjoy the light if you experience darkness. That is why God will let you go through all these things for you to grow, which will happen if you let Him make changes in your life. He will always be with you. It is not just for His glory but also for your own sake. You may find it hard to understand everything at once, but just be patient. He will provide you the correct answers at the right time.